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Self-adhesive high-temperature resistant smart film

Self-adhesive high-temperature resistant smart film

Brand: zy smartfilm

Product origin: CHINA

Availability: In stock

MOQ:5 square meters

Size can be customized

Self-adhesive LCD dimming films are backed with an adhesive backing (AB adhesive) on one side of the dimming film, which is used to adhere to the target glass. High Temperature Resistant Dimmers can operate at temperatures up to 105 degrees Celsius, allowing the product to continue to operate at higher temperatures.

Self-adhesive LCD dimming films are backed with an adhesive backing (AB adhesive) on one side of the dimming film, which is used to adhere to the target glass. High Temperature Resistant Dimmers can operate at temperatures up to 105 degrees Celsius, allowing the product to continue to operate at higher temperatures.

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